Creating Work Order Templates Manually

Access the Edit Work Order Templates form.

Complete the work order header fields as you would when creating a work order. You can also add instructions and comments to the template. To enter template-specific information, select the Work Order Template Information tab.

After you have created a work order template, the system provides the following filter fields for retrieving templates: winery, template class, template status, template name, creator ID, and work order type.

Template Name

You must enter a unique template name.

Template Class

You must select a class for the template that you want to create. The class determines the template usage and security level. Template classes are stored in the Template Type UDC table (31B/WL). Values are:

1: Global.

2: Winery.

3: User.

Template Status

Select the status for the template. Values are:

A: Active.

I: Inactive.

Effective Date From and Thru

Set up the date range for the use of the template. The system does not validate this information.