
A decant operation involves bottles of finished goods brought back to the facility as a bulk material in a tank because the material is unacceptable, expired, defective, or may simply need to be rebottled.

The decanting process occurs after maturation, such as six months or more The tirage bottles are taken to the transfer line by pallet. Decanting generally has other associated operations such as additives.

There are three types of decants:

  • Bulk material from bottles from the finished goods bottling line.

    This is also known as bottled wine returns. In this instance, the wine is considered to have left the bulk wine system and needs to be returned.

  • Bulk material from finished goods.

  • Blends that are being decanted into the same To vessel.

A decant operation:

  • Stores the following historical details:

    • Finished goods.

    • Item number.

    • Finished goods lot number.

    • Historical blend lot number.

    • Bottling operation number.

    • Historical blend ID number.

    • Blend lot details.

  • Identifies the quantity of finished goods to return to inventory.

    Decant operations use a bottling vessel that can also have decant details. These details can list specific items that are decremented in inventory.

  • Increases inventory and inherits blend lot details from the related bottling lot.