Entering An Additive Using the Create/Edit Detail Program

Access the Edit Operation Detail form.


Enter the branch/plant for the additive item.

Item Number

Enter the item number of the additive. You can use additives that are set up in a different branch/plant than the current facility.

Before Blend ID and After Blend ID

The system displays the blend ID of the Before lot and the blend ID after you calculate the additive operation.

Batch Quantity

Enter a batch quantity to use to specify a batch bill of material.


Enter the location from which you want to commit the additive.


Enter the lot from which you want to commit the additive quantity if the additive is a lot-controlled item.

Fixed/Target PPM/Rate/Flow

Select one method for calculating the additive quantity.


Enter a quantity for an additive. This value represents a fixed quantity, PPM, flow, or rate, depending the method that you select.


Click to calculate the extended additive quantity based on the quantity that you entered and the calculation method that you specified.

Total Quantity

Displays the total quantity of additive to apply to the lot. This value is calculated from the additive quantity based on the selected calculation method

Saved Templates

Select an additive template to simplify data entry, if you have set up templates with additive items and quantities.


Select to use the data from the selected template for the current additive operation. Selecting this option removes existing additive information.


Select the Save As a Template option if you want to reuse the additive information that you entered as a template. By selecting this option, you access the Add Additive Template form where you create the template.

Use the Edit Templates option to access the View Additive Templates form. On this form, you can retrieve existing templates and copy or revise them. You can also access the Add Additive Template form.