Entering Test Results

Access the Edit Operation Detail form.

Complete the test results fields in the Quality area. You can also enter test results from the sample workbench.

Select Panel

Click to access the Search & Select for Specification form. On this form, select a panel to retrieve tests for this QA operation. Enter the test results in the grid.

If you add a test panel that contains tests that are already on the list, the system does not display the duplicate test.

Remove Test

Click to delete a test from the selected test panel. Deleting a test deletes it from all vessels used in the operation. You can delete a test even though you have entered results for it.

Note: If you delete a vessel from the operation, the system deletes all associated tests.
Reset Results

Click to reset the values for a test that the system copies forward from the previous operation.

Test ID

Displays the identifiers for the tests in the selected test panel. For failed tests, the system highlights the test ID.

Request Samples

Select to create a sample for the selected test. When you select this option, the system creates a sample and displays the sample information on the Samples tab. The system generates or recalculates samples for all tests on all vessel on an operation. The sample request date by default is the instructed started date of the operation. You can enter the sample volume, the sample container and other information related to the sample.

A test can only have one sample. If the size of the sample container is smaller than the sample size, the system calculates and displays the number of needed sample containers. If the units of measure of the sample and the sample container are different, the system uses the standard unit of measure conversion to convert the sample into the unit of measure of the sample container.