Entering VBT Move Details

Access the VBT Movement Details form.

If you move bulk material from another vessel to a VBT, the system displays only the To VBT area. If you are moving bulk material between VBTs, the system displays both From and To VBT.

Complete the fields on the From and To VBT grids, depending on what type of VBT operation you are entering.

Virtual Barrel Tank Number

Displays the VBT number from the VBT header.

Rename VBT

Click to enable the Virtual Barrel Tank Number field for data entry. You can change the VBT number.

Before Blend ID

Displays the value from the Before blend lot. A blend ID is an identifier that groups similar blend lots for practical purposes. The system records the blend ID on vessel labels to identify lots in operations and typically contains information about ownership, variety, location, and year. You cannot change this value.

After Blend ID

Displays the value from the Before blend lot. You cannot change this value.

Planned After Volume

Displays the value from the planned quantity of the After blend lot. You cannot change this value on this page.

Planned Actual Volume

Displays the value from the planned quantity of the After blend lot. The system calculates this value based on the number of barrels and the capacity of each barrel that you enter in the grid. You cannot change this value.

Planned Total Number of Barrels

Displays the total number of barrels. The system calculates this value by dividing the value in the Planned After Volume field by the capacity of the VBT. You cannot change this value.

Actual Total Number of Barrels

Displays the total number of barrels. The system calculates this value by summing the total number of barrel records that you enter in the VBT detail grid below. You cannot change this value.

Note: The system includes empty barrels in this number only for empty barrel operations.
Capacity Type

Displays the value from the Capacity Type field in the VBT header. You cannot change this value.

Barrel Type

Displays the value from the VBT header. You cannot change this value.

Move Selected Barrels

For barrel-to-barrel moves, click to move the records from the From VBT to the To VBT grid. This decreases the total number of barrels and volume in the From vessel and increases the total number of barrels and volume in the To vessel.

Add Barrels

Click to access the Barrel Search & Select form. The search on this form is filtered by the barrel type from the VBT header, but you can change the filter. If you retrieve barrels with a different barrel type, the system issues a warning, but you can associate barrels with barrel type that is different from the barrel type on the VBT header. Select the number of barrels that you want to use for the VBT. The system populates the grid in the VBT detail area with the selected barrels.

The grid area displays the following information about the barrels:

  • Volume status

  • Barrel type

  • Barrel ID

  • Location

  • Rack number

  • Barrel capacity

  • Barrel Master (link to the Barrel Master program

  • Barrel color status

  • Barrel availability

  • Sample flag

  • Sample sequence

Note: The Sample Flag and Sample Sequence fields appear only for QA operations.