
Select the General tab.

Instructed Start Date/Time

Enter the planned start date and time for the operation. The system provides the current date and time as the default value, but you can override it. If you do not enter a value here, but enter an instructed duration and an instructed end date, the system calculates the instructed start date by subtracting the value in the Instructed Duration field from the value in the Instructed End Date field.

Instructed End Date/Time

Enter the planned end date and time for the operation. If you do not enter a value here, but enter an instructed duration and an instructed start date, the system calculates the instructed start date by adding the value in the Instructed Duration field to the value in the Instructed Start Date field.

Instructed Duration

Enter the elapsed time. If you do not enter a value here, the system calculates the time by taking the difference between the value in the Instructed Start Date field and the value in the Instructed End Date field.

Actual Start Date/Time

Enter the actual start date and time for the operation, or the system enters the date. The system calculates this by subtracting the value in the Actual Duration field from the value in the Actual End Date field. This value is never blank because the system uses this value for sequencing operations with dependencies.

Actual End Date/Time

Enter the actual end date and time for the operation, or the system enters the date. The system calculates this by adding the value in the Actual Duration field to the value in the Actual Start Date field.

Actual Duration

Enter the duration, or the system enters the duration. The system calculates the difference between the Actual Start Date and Actual End Date fields.

Duration UOM (duration unit of measure)

Enter the duration unit of measure that applies to both instructed and actual duration. Values are:





Re-Schedule Operations

Select to reschedule operations. This option is available only after you have already entered an operation. You reschedule operations by selecting this option and moving the date of an operation forward. The system recalculates the instructed started dates for subsequent operations. The system does not save the check box value.

This option is selected by default for operations with base operation type REC.

Instruction Method

Displays the instruction method that you specified for the configured operation. You can override this value by selecting another instruction method. The value in this field governs the From and To field values. This instruction method instructs the volume to move and is only available for movement operations. Use this field in conjunction with the Distribution Method field.

Values are:

From After: The total quantity remains in the From vessel after the movement is complete. If you select this value, the Instructed After Quantity field in the From Vessel grid is enabled.

From Move: The total quantity moves from the From vessel. If you select this value, the Instructed Move Quantity field in the From Vessel grid is enabled.

To After: The total quantity increases the volume in the To vessel. If you select this value, the Instructed After Quantity field in the To Vessel grid is enabled.

To Move: The total quantity moves into the To vessel. If you select this value, the Instructed Move Quantity field in the To Vessel grid is enabled.

Distribution Method

Displays the distribution method that you specified for the configured operation. You can override this value by selecting another distribution method. Use this field in conjunction with the Instruction Method field. The distribution method identifies how single movement instructions are distributed among multiple vessels. This field is only available for movement operations.

Values are:

Equal: When you specify a single quantity for a From or To vessel, the system splits the quantity evenly among the To vessels.

To Vessel Capacity: When you specify a single quantity for a From vessel, the system splits the quantity that was moved in proportion to the capacity that is available in the To vessels.

Percentage: When you specify a single quantity for a From or To vessel, you can enter a percentage that the system uses to determine the quantity from either the From or To vessels to allocate, and splits the quantity to be moved accordingly. Use the Movement Detail tab to override the percentages.

Move to Capacity: When you select this option, the system moves volume from the first From tank to the To tanks, based on capacity, and then moves volume for the next From tank to the next To tank with available capacity until all volume is moved from the From tanks to the To tanks. For example, if you have three From tanks and four To tanks, the system moves the volume from the first From tank to the first To tank until the first To tank is full. The system then moves volume (if any) from the first From tank to the second To tank until the second To tank is full. The system cycles through all of the From tanks, filling each To tank to capacity before beginning to fill the next To tank, until all volume is moved from the From tanks to the To tanks. If a To tank remains empty at the end of the move operation, the system does not generate a To tank record for the empty tank.

Blend to Capacity: When you select this option, the system combines the movement volume of the From tanks, then redistributes the blended volume to the To tanks based on capacity. If a To tank remains empty at the end of the move operation, the system does not generate a To tank record for the empty tank.

For example, suppose that you have:

  • Two From tanks with a volume of 500 gallons in each.

  • Four empty To tanks the each have a capacity of 600 gallons.

To distribute the combined volume of the From tanks, the system:

  1. Sums the total volume of the From tanks (500 + 500 = 1000).

    Fifty percent of the contribution of the total volume comes from each From tank. Note that you can have From tanks with different volumes to move, such as 400 gallons in one From tank, and 600 gallons in another From tank.

  2. Fills the first To tank with 600 gallons, with 300 gallons moved from each of the From tanks.

    The 600 gallons in the first To tank is a blended volume with an equal amount of the volume from each From tank.

    The remaining volume to move is now 400 gallons; the original blended amount of 1000 gallons minus the 600 gallons moved to the first To tank.

  3. Fills the second To tank with the remaining volume of 400 gallons, with 200 gallons moved from each of the From tanks.

    The second To tank has a remaining capacity of 200 gallons.

  4. Does not create records for moved volume for the third and fourth To tanks because no volume is moved to those tanks.

Perform After Measure

Displays the value that you specified for the configured operation. You can override this value. This value determines whether a vessel's contents should be measured after the operation is complete. Values are:

Do Not Measure: Actual measurements are not required.

Final Measure: Report final measure for each vessel.

Intermediate Measures: Report intermediate measures after each individual movement within the operation.

Perform Survey Measure

Displays the value that you specified for the configured operation. You can override this value. This value determines whether a vessel's contents should be measured before the operation begins.

Show Before Measures

Displays the value that you specified for the configured operation. You can override this value. This value determines whether the operator can see the measurement that is taken before the operation is completed.