Inbound VBT Operations

When you import operations from external systems, you add or update VBTs based on the transaction action code on the record. Action code 2 means that you are adding or creating a new VBT operation. Action code 4 means that you are updating an existing record.

To add and update VBTs on inbound operations, the system also uses data from the following fields in the F31B65Z1 table:

  • From VBT Type and From Capacity Type.

  • To VBT Type and To Capacity Type.

  • V2V Move Line Number

The system stores the following VBT information in the VBT Barrel Transaction File (F31B18Z1):

  • Barrel ID

  • From/To flag

  • Volume status

  • Quantity received

  • Rack number and location

When you add or update VBT information, the system creates operations only if the VBT in the previous operation already had barrels. This validation does not preclude the creation of new VBTs. The system also verifies whether all of the barrels from the Before lot that are included in the After lot either full or empty.

The system calculates dips for all barrels that are not empty.

If you have set the barrel tracking method in the winery constants to C (collection), the system considers the quantity received as the number of barrels. Otherwise, the default value for the number of barrels is 1.