Item Information

Select the Item Information tab.

EUR Accounting Group

Enter an alphanumeric identifier to associate similar EURs for accounting purposes. Set up EUR accounting groups in the EUR Accounting Group program (P31B07AG). The Blend automatic accounting instructions use the EUR accounting group to point to specific account numbers.

Asset Class Code

Enter a code to group EURs into a high-level asset classification.

Wine Type

Specify a wine type. You can use the Wine Type UDC (31B/WT) to differentiate wine colors.

Quality Designation

Specify the intended level of quality for the EUR, for example, reserve or premium.

For Sale

Specify whether the EUR that you are defining is intended for sale. In this case, the EUR should not be used for blending. The system does not validate this setting.

Item Number

Associate an item number with the EUR. The system uses the item number to retrieve cost information from the Item Cost table (F4105).

When you copy an EUR, the system does not copy the item information. You must enter an item number manually.


Associate a business unit with the EUR for costing and accounting purposes.