Lot Attributes for Single Vessel Entry

When you add or edit an in-place operation for a single vessel, you can override the values for the material type, wine status, and blend ID attributes for the After lot. You can override the values in the Single From Vessel subform (P31B67I) or in the Instruct Lot Attributes form. Before you can override these attributes, you must populate them with the default values by clicking the Instruct Lot Attributes button. After the default values exist, you can override the material type, wine status, and blend ID. The override that you enter on one form is saved to the database and appears on the other form when you access the other form. For example, if you enter override values on the Single From Vessel form, the new values appear on the Instruct Lot Attributes when you next access that form.

To enable entry to the Wine Status, Material Type, and Blend ID fields for the After lot, select the checkbox next to the fields.