Lot Quality Results

After you perform quality tests on each lot, you enter the test results for the lot. The system stores the quality results with each lot. The results include the test result name, equipment and consumables that you use to perform the test, results and dates, and expiration date of the test.

When you blend two lots of bulk material, the system creates a new blend lot, carrying forward the test results. For any operation that is not for quality assurance, the system performs a blend calculation on the quality test results. The system uses the earliest expiration date from test results from either lot. The system includes expired results in the blend rule calculation. Blend rules are hard-coded in user-defined code (UDC) 31/QB.

The system performs the same calculations as described in Summary Attributes and also provides these additional blending rules:

  • Sum

    The system calculates the sum of all lots that are being blended.

  • One Lot

    The system does not derive a new value for this summary attribute. This summary attribute is blank except when only one lot contains a value.