Material Type

Each lot can have only one material type. The system uses a three-level hierarchy to determine the material type of the After lot:

  1. Configured operation.

    See Setting Up Configured Operations.

  2. Material type combination table.

    See Setting Up Material Types.

  3. Largest contributing lot.

If material type is available for the After To lot from the configured operation, the system copies the material type to the resultant lot.

If the material type is not available from the configured operation, the system perform one of these actions:

  • If the To lot is empty, copy the material type from the From lot to the resultant lot.

  • If the To lot is not empty and the To and From lots have the same material types, maintain the same material type for the resultant lot.

  • If the material types vary, check the material type combination table.

  • If the rule is set up, use the material type for the resultant lot.

  • If none of these conditions applies, the system uses the material type from the largest contributing lot.