Overriding Selected Lot Attributes

Access the Edit Operation Detail - Adjust Lot Attributes form.

Material Type

Select the check box and specify the material type that you want to use as an override.

Wine Status

Select the check box and specify the wine status that you want to use as an override.

Blend ID

Select the check box and specify the blend ID that you want to use as an override.

The system displays this field only when you use the multiple From Vessel area on the Edit Operation Detail form. The Single Vessel area on the Edit Operation Detail form already enables you to enter a blend ID; therefore, this field is hidden in the Adjust Lot Attributes area.

Single EUR

Select the check box and enter the EUR that you want to override all EURs for the blend lot. As a result, the blend lot has a single EUR balance record of 100 percent.

Composition Material Type

Select the check box and enter the composition material type that you want to use as an override for the blend lot. The system displays this field only when you enter a COMPMAT operation. When you save the operation, the system updates the composition material type on all composition records for the After lot of the operation.

Note: For weigh tags and bills of lading, the system displays this field on the operation header, but hides it for all administrative operations.
Instructed Attributes 1–12

Select the check boxes for any instructed attribute that you want to override and specify the override value.