Overriding Selected Lot Attributes

If your business processes require you to override a subset of lot attributes frequently, you can use any of several forms to enter the adjustments.

This table lists the forms that you can use to modify selected lot attributes, and the conditions under which you can override the attributes.

Access Point

Attribute Override Enabled


Adjust Lot Attributes area on the Edit Operation Detail form

Material type.

Wine status.

Composition material type.


Blend ID.

Instructed Lot Attributes 1 to 12.

When you add an operation, you must calculate the lot attributes before you can override the system generated values.

Movement Detail tab in the Create/Edit Operation Detail program (P31B87)

Material type.

Wine status.

Blend ID.

You can view the listed attributes on the Movement Detail form when adding or editing a move operation. You must calculate the movement and the lot attributes before you can override the system-generated values.

To the attribute values for the From After and To After lots, select the check box next to the field to enable data entry.

Movement Detail tab in the Speed Actuals Update program (P31B67)

Material type.

Wine status.

Blend ID.

You can access the listed attributes on the Movement Detail form when adding or editing a move operation. You must calculate the movement and the lot attributes before you can override the system-generated values.

To the attribute values for the From After and To After lots, select the check box next to the field to enable data entry.

When you work with move operations, you can override attributes on the Instruct Lot Attributes form on the Movement Details tab when you add or edit an operation, or enter speed actuals. If you override and save values in one place, the new values appear in all forms. For example, if you change the material type on the Instruct Lot Attributes form, the changes appear when you access the Movement Detail tab in the Create/Edit Operation Details program.

When you override the material type, wine status, or blend ID for move operations, the system enables changes to the From After and To After lots. If you have multiple moves because you have multiple tanks or vessels, the system makes intermediate changes in succession as you enter the overriding values, but the system does not save the intermediate values. When you save data, the system saves only the values for the final lot.

For example, suppose that you have a move operation to move volume from two From tanks (F1 and F2) to two To tanks (T1 and T2). The grid in the Movement Details tab would show each of these moves:

  • F1 to T1

  • F1 to T2

  • F2 to T1

  • F2 to T2

In this example, the system does not save the modified values for tank F1 after you perform the move from F1 to T1. Instead, it saves the data for the final lot for F1 when you complete the move from F1 to T2. Likewise, the system does not save the modified values for tank T2 when you complete the move from F1 to T2. Instead, it saves only the final values for the attributes after you complete the F2 to T2 move.

If you want to override other lot attributes, you must use the Instruct Lot Attributes form. If you switch back and forth between the Edit Operation Detail and Instruct Lot Attributes forms, each form displays the most recent changes.