
A blend lot must have at least one Balance Percent Owner. The sum total of the Balance Percent Owners must equal 100 percent.

The total fixed volume owners cannot exceed lot volume.

If you create a new lot by splitting an existing lot, the system splits the lot proportionally for fixed-volume owners and splits the lot for percent owners according to the original percent.

Calculations for the output lot are:

Volume for Fixed Owner = Total Output Lot Volume × (Fixed Owner for Input Lot / Volume of Input Lot) Percent

Volume for Percent Owner = Remaining Output Lot Volume after calculation for Fixed Owner × Percent Allocation

When the lot incurs a loss, the system adjusts the owner for the resultant lot. The system takes the loss from the owner balance records first, and then from the fixed records if the loss exceeds the balance. The system validates that the volume for all the fixed owners, if applicable, does not exceed the total lot volume. If the total exceeds the total lot volume, the system decreases the fixed owner volume proportionally.

When merging two lots, use the sum of the fixed volume owners to derive the volume for the owners on the resultant lot. The percent owners for the resultant lot should be a weighted average on the remaining volume.

The percent on the balance owners must total 100 percent, and the system should round up to two decimal places. Any addition or subtraction should be taken against the largest owner.