P31B311 - Composition View

This view displays all composition detail records. You can view all summary percentages totalling to 100 percent. Wine-makers, for example, can use this view for blending decisions, especially for comparison with product specification during trial blending. They also browse this view as part of their decision-making and analysis process, especially in the later stages of the bulk product, when looking at each composition attribute separately. The Composition View program provides the following summary views:

  • Harvest period/Variety/Grower.

  • Composition detail.

  • Source/Composition material type.

    You can exclude composition records with a particular composition material type from the recalculation of composition percentages by selecting the records in the Source/Composition Material Type grid. After selecting all records to be excluded, you click the Recalculate button to recalculate the composition percentages without those composition records that have the excluded composition material type. Clicking the Refresh button clears the exclusion and resets the recalculated composition percentages to their previous values.

The Composition View form also displays a summary view by appellation and varietal appellation, as well as a summary rollup by hierarchy.