Performing Trial Blending

Access the Add Trial Blend form.

Select the General tab.

Enter a blend facility name to retrieve default values for the virtual lot indicator and the significant change threshold from the winery constants.

Trial Blend Name and Trial Blend Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the trial blend.

EUR Code (end-use reservation code)

Enter an EUR code. The system uses the value in this field to locate a matching EUR in the input lots.

Wine Status

Enter a wine status of the trial blend.

Target Volume

Enter the target quantity of the trial blend.

Signif Threshold% (significant change threshold percent)

Enter a percentage value to indicate an acceptable threshold for volume changes when you click the Significant Change button. The value that you enter here overrides the significant change threshold that you set up in the winery constants. If a volume change is above or below the threshold value entered here, the system issues a warning and highlights the quantity that caused the volume to exceed the threshold.

Note: You can override the significant change threshold only for the current session. The system does not save this value. When you close the application session, the system uses the default threshold from the winery constants.

Displays the address book number of the person creating the trial blend. If the person does not have an address book record, the system issues an error.

Date Created

Displays the date when you created the trial blend.

Date Refreshed

When you click the Refresh Lots button to load current lot attributes to the input lots, the system populates this field with the date when you refreshed lots.


Specify whether the trial blend is active or inactive.

Wine Status

Specify the wine status at which you want to perform the trial blend. Select a defined status from the Wine Status table (F31B32).

Blend ID Method

Select a blend ID method that the system uses as the default method when calculating the blend ID for the trial blend output lot. Values are:

Do not default After Blend ID.

Generate New Blend ID.

Refresh Op Status (refresh operation status)

Select the status or group of operation statuses that allow lots on these operations to be refreshed. The system uses this status to locate the current lot. If you click the Significant Change button, the system issues a warning that a significant change has occurred between the original and the current lot. If you click the Refresh Lot button, the system refreshes the lot information.


Displays the named calculation path. To change the named calculation path, you must close this program and change the named calculation default path or set the Named Calculation Path processing option on the Trial Blend tab in the Search for Trial Blend program (P31B320).


Select a named calculation format.

Override and Format

Select to override the current named calculation format and enter an override named calculation format. Clear to select a named calculation format from the named calculation format drop-down list box.

Save and Close

Click to save only the header data.

Note: If you enter input lot data and click Save and Close, the system does not save the input lots. You must click Save and Blend to save input lot data before you click Save and Close to exit the program.