
These processing options control the information that is displayed on the report.

1. Report Sequencing

Specify how the report sequences information and total costs. Values are:

1: Sequence by cost component with subtotals by configured operation code and cost component (default).

2: Sequence by configured operation ID with subtotals by cost component and configured operation code.

2. Suppress Report Detail

Specify the amount of detail that you want the report to display. Values are:

1: Summarize the amounts for configured operation codes and cost components for multiple operations into one line on the report.

Blank: Display a line for each unique combination of operation number, configured operation code, and cost component.

3. Beginning Date (Required) and 4. Ending Date (Required)

Specify the date range for the report. The system uses these dates to select operation records with an actual start date within this range.

EUR Code

Specify an EUR code if you want to limit the display of costs to a single EUR. If you specify an EUR, the report displays only the portion of the total costs that is associated with the EUR.