R31B310 - Operation Cost Report

Use the Operation Cost report to display the true operational costs that are associated with a group of operations over a defined time period. This report enables you to review how the system allocated costs during a specified time period, based on the operation setup. You can then compare this cost information with the corresponding accrual and expense amounts in the general ledger and determine adjustment amounts. This information enables you to perform cost spreading.

The cost for a particular operation is the sum of the cost from all cost components for all vessels that are associated with the operation. The system retrieves the configured operation code from the Operation Header table (F31B65). The Blend Lot Costs table (F31B31C) stores the total accumulated costs for a lot. To determine the cost of one operation, you must subtract the costs that are associated with all previous operations from the total lot cost after you have created the operation. To enable you to do this, the program retrieves the before and after lot number from the Operation Vessel Assignments table (F31B70) and subtracts the costs that are associated with the before lot from the costs of the after lot. The Operation Cost report accumulates and calculates the costs that are associated with the operation that is performed on the lot.

The system provides two formats for presenting the cost information. Use a processing option to determine whether to sequence cost information by cost component or by configured operation. If you sequence cost information by cost component, the system calculates and lists subtotals by configured operation code and by cost component. If you sequence cost information by configured operation code, the system lists subtotals by cost component and configured operation code.

You can restrict the number of operations that are selected for the report by defining a date range. The report includes only operations with an actual start date that falls in this date range. You can also limit the information on the report by including only the costs that are associated with a specified EUR.