R31B95 - Work Order Report

Use the Work Order report to list details of work orders and the operations that are attached to each work order. You can print this report in two different formats, based on the processing option:

  • Summary work order report

  • Detail work order report

If you print the Work Order report in summary format, the report displays the work orders that fulfill the selection criteria with details for only the first operation in each work order. If you print the report in detail format, the report includes all operations that are associated with the work order.

The work order report displays the following information for each work order:

  • Facility.

  • Work order number, alternate work order number, and description.

  • Creator and status.

  • Planned date and time.

  • Operation number and description.

  • Configured operation code and description.

  • From Before blend ID and To Before blend ID.

  • From Before vessel ID and To Before vessel ID.

  • From Before material type.

  • From Before wine status.

  • Move volume and unit of measure.