Record Reservation for Trial Blending

The system applies record reservation to trial blend records to prevent multiple users from attempting to update the same trial blend at the same time. Record reservation also extends to programs that you use to edit samples and test results for a trial blend or an output lot. Editing input lots does not reserve the trial blend record. If a trial blend is reserved by another user, you can only view the record on the View Trial Blend form. The system does not call the Edit Trial Blend form.

The following table lists the programs that use record reservation for trial blend records and describes the effects of record reservation in these programs:

Program Name and Number

Record Reservation

Instruct Lot Attributes (P31B30)

You can edit an output lot for a trial blend in the program only if no one else is editing the associated trial blend.

Edit Trial Blend (P31B320)

When you edit or delete a trial blend, other applications cannot edit the output lot

Edit Samples and Results (P31B901)

When you edit test results and samples, the system reserves the associated trial blend.

Inbound Sample Processor (R31BSPZ1)

When you process inbound test results and samples, the system reserves the associated trial blend.