Roll-Forward Error Handling

After entering a series of operations, you might return and make changes in earlier operations. For example, after receiving bulk material to a tank, you can enter an actual receipt quantity that is different from the planned quantity that you entered originally. If you make changes to an operation that is already part of a chain of operations, the system recalculates the operation dependencies and rolls the changes forward to subsequent operations. If the recalculation fails, the system identifies the operations in error and enables the user to correct the error. The error on the first subsequent operation is a hard error. Additional errors are displayed as soft errors.

If the system detects an operation in error during the recalculation process, the system stores the error information in the Recalculation Error Handling table (F31B0800). When the roll-forward process is complete, the system updates the After lots of the affected vessels as suspect.

The system notifies you of any errors by sending messages for every soft and hard error to the personal in-basket in the work center. To correct errors, you can first review error details. You can access error details from the Search for Operations form, from the operation header, and from the Edit Operation Detail form. On the Search for Operations form, the operation number of the operation with the hard error is highlighted in red. The operation numbers of the operations with soft errors are highlighted in yellow.

You can use the F31B0800 Error Handling program (P31B0800) to search for errors by operation number and ID, winery, vessel number and class, the batch number that the system generates when you create operations from a list, and error type. You can also view errors by work order number. The Operation Error Detail form displays a line for each vessel that is involved in the error operation. For soft errors, the system establishes the link with the operation that triggered the soft error by displaying the original operation ID. To help you analyze the problem and find a solution, you can review the actual error message by clicking the link in the Error ID field.

After identifying the errors, you can resolve the problem by correcting the hard error first. For example, you can change a move quantity or the vessel ID. You can also change the date. To correct a soft error, you change the vessel ID or the date for the suspect lot, or correct the error in the upstream operation that caused the soft error.

Note: If you try to add a vessel to an operation whose Before lot is already a suspect lot, the system issues a hard error message.

The system calculates the chain of operations again. If no error is found, the system clears the suspect lot or lots and removes all errors that were recorded for the operation. If the error correction introduces a new error, you must repeat the correction process.