Running the Reprice Procurement/Receipts Program from Batch Versions

To run the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program from the Batch Versions program:

  • Enter BV in the Fast Path, enter R45620 in the Batch Application field in the Available Versions form, and then click Find.

  • Select the version that you want to run, and set the data selection and processing options.

    To reprice receipts, you must run version XJDE0001, XJDE0003, or a copy of one of these versions. If you want to run the Recost Blend Lots Batch program, set the Recost Blend Lots Batch processing option in the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program to do so, and specify the version of the Recost Blend Lots Batch program to run.

  • Submit the report.