Search Criteria Section


Specify the winery for which you create the additive operations. You must complete this field.

Op Status (operation status)

Specify the status of the vessels that you want to locate. The system completes this field with a value from a processing option, if you completed the processing option. If you do not complete the processing option, the system uses the value Closed, Actual or Active.

Vessel Volume

This field is not editable. The Additives Workbench enables you to search for all vessels except empty vessels.

Tank Status

Select the tank status of the tanks that you want to locate. The system enables this field only when you select Tank as the vessel class. Values are:

All Except Decommissioned

All Tanks

Decommissioned Tanks Only

Material Type UOM (material type unit of measure)

Specify the material type unit of measure to use in your search. If you specified a value in the Material Type UOM processing option, the system uses that value as the default value. If you did not specify a value in the processing option, the system uses a default value of V (volume).

You can change the value to any value from the Material Type Unit of Measure (31B/MU) UDC table.