Searching for Vessels

Access the Inventory by Vessel View form.

In addition to these search fields, you can also use the QBE (query by example) line of the grid to search for vessels. For example, you can search by operation number, work order number, and alternate blend ID. You can search by blend lot quantity and quantity before survey. You can also search by summary and instructed lot attributes, and by named calculation. The system displays the descriptions that you entered when you set up summary and instructed lot attributes, and named calculations. For tanks, you can search by tank attributes.


Enter the facility for which you want to retrieve vessels. You must search for vessels by facility.

Vessel Number

Enter a vessel number if you are looking for a specific vessel.

Through Date

You must enter the end date for the search date range. You can define the entire date range by entering a value in the Number of Days processing option.

Spirit Volume

If you want to retrieve vessels that are used for spirit operations, you specify whether to display volumes at standard or at ambient temperature. If you select Ambient Temperature, you must enter a temperature and temperature unit of measure. The form displays the Temperature field only if you select Ambient Temperature. The system determines the correct spirit volume for the vessel based on the temperature conversion chart that you have set up. The system displays all spirit volumes at standard temperature by default.

Blend ID

Enter a blend ID to use as a filter.

Op Status (operation status)

You must select an operation status from the drop-down list box as a criterion for retrieving vessels. You can use a processing option to define which status to search for by default.

Vessel Volume

You must select a vessel volume status from the drop-down list box as a criterion for retrieving vessels. You can use a processing option to define which vessel volume status to search for by default.

Tank Status

Enter a tank status if you want to retrieve tanks by status. Values are:

All Except Decommissioned

All Tanks

Decommissioned Tanks Only

Virtual Lots

Specify whether to search for virtual or nonvirtual lots. If you want to retrieve nonvirtual lots, specify what type of nonvirtual lot to retrieve. Values are:

Imaginary Lot

Non-Virtual Lot

Trial Blend

Virtual "Competitors" Lot

Virtual "To Buy" Lot


The system displays this field only if you select Ambient Temperature for displaying spirit volumes. In this case, you must enter a temperature and unit of measure. The system issues an error message if you leave this field blank.

Tank, Unknown Tank, VBT, VCT, Weigh Tag, Bottling, and Bill of Lading

Select one or more vessel classes as criteria for retrieving vessels. You can use a processing option to define which vessel classes to search for. You have to select at least one vessel class to search for, unless you are searching for virtual lots.

Note: To distinguish barrels from containers, the detail area includes a Barrels Or Container column that identifies a vessel as a barrel or container.

Click to clear the previously defined search-criteria selection and define a new set of search criteria.


You can select the following options from the actions list:

  • View Lot Detail

  • Barrel Details

  • Tank Details

  • Lot Detail Print

  • Print Related Trial Blend Report

  • Print Lot Comparison Report

  • Spread Expense

  • Create Operation

  • Create Lot

  • Copy Lot

  • Edit Virtual Lot

  • Trace/Track

View Lot Detail

Select to access the View Wine Lot Details form to review information for the lot that is associated with the selected vessels.

Barrel Details

Select to access the Barrel Inquiry from the Inventory by Vessel View form. On this form, you can display all barrel details by VBT ID.

Tank Details

Select to access the Tank Master program (P31B08). Use this option to view attributes for a selected tank. You can use this option only if you selected a tank in the grid. If you select an unknown tank or any other type of vessel, this option does not work.

Lot Detail Print

Click to generate the Lot Detail Print report (R31B31A).

Print Related Trial Blend Report

Select to print the Related Trial Blend report (R31B36) for the selected vessels.

Print Lot Comparison Report

Select to print the Lot Comparison report (R31B35) for the selected vessels. This report lists differences between selected lots, for example, a trial blend lot and another lot.

Spread Expense

Click to access the Operation/WO Template Selection form. Create an error operation to spread expenses. This option is available only if you have selected the Enable Expense Spreading processing options.

See Spreading Expenses.

You also use this option to create operations from a list.

Create Operation

Select to access the Operation/WO Template Selection form. Use this form to associate an operation with the vessels that you retrieved.

Note: If you access the Inventory by Vessel View form from the Edit Operation Detail form, this button is not available. You can select only a vessel on this form; you cannot select a virtual lot because the selections in the Virtual Lots field are not available.
Create Lot

Select to create a virtual lot. When you select this option, the system accesses the Instruct Lot Attributes form. On this form, enter the lot attribute values that you want to associate with the virtual lot that you are creating.

Copy Lot

Select to copy the attributes of an existing lot to a virtual lot. When you select this option, the system accesses the Instruct Lot Attributes form, where you can change any of the lot attributes that appear. You can also add or revise quality test information for virtual lots.

Edit Virtual Lot

Select to access the Instruct Lot Attributes form to revise virtual lots. This option is available only if you selected a virtual lot type in the Virtual Lots filter field.

You can revise a trial blend lot, but you cannot change the trial blend lot to a different type of virtual lot. You can change the virtual lot type for other virtual lots. For example, you can change an Imaginary lot to a To Buy lot.

You can use this option to add or revise test information for virtual lots on the After Quality tab of the Instruct Lot Attributes form.


Select to access the Operation Trace/Track program (P31B60) to track or trace the selected vessel lot.