Setting Data Selection for the Recost Blend Lots Batch Program

This list describes how the system determines data selection for the Recost Blend Lots Batch program:

  • If you run the Recost Blend Lots Batch program from the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program, the Recost Blend Lots Batch program inherits the data selection from the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program.

    If you run the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program from the contract, the data selection is limited to the receipts associated with the contract.

    If you run the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program from the Batch Versions program, you can set the data selection, and the system uses the data selection that you set for the Reprice Procurement/Receipts program for the data selection in the Recost Blend Lots Batch program.

  • If you run the Recost Blend Lots Batch program from the Batch Versions program, you can set the data selection in the Recost Blend Lots Batch program.