Setting Up Geographic Areas

Access the Edit Geographic Area form.

Area Type

Specify the type of area you want to define. Values are:

  • Appellation

  • Growing Area

These values are stored in the Geographic Area Type UDC table (31B/GT).

The system stores geographic areas in the Geographic Area Master table F31B37). The relationships are stored in the Geographic Area Relationship table (F31B371), and the descendents are stored in the Appellation Descendents table (F31B373) and the Growing Area Descendents table (F31B372).

When you delete a geographic area, the area type determines from which descendent table the system deletes the corresponding record.

Short Code

Enter a free-form text field that identifies the area. For example, enter CA for California and AUS for Australia. The system uses this code to populate the descendent tables. If you update the short code, the area type that you defined for the geographic area determines which descendent table to update.

Hierarchy Level

Enter the value that determines the hierarchy level of the geographic area that you are defining.

Sort Order Number

Enter the value that is used to sequence geographic areas for display.


Assign a status to the geographic area. You can assign only active geographic areas to a block or lot.

Authority Code

Enter the governing body that is responsible for the geographic area.