Setting Up Specification Masters

Access the Add Specifications form.

Specification and Description

Specify a name and description for the specification that you define. After you have defined the specification, you can associate it with any EUR.

Named Calculation

Enter a named calculation that you want to associate with the specification. You can enter multiple named calculations for each specification that you set up.

Data Type

Indicates the type of return value that you have defined for the named calculation.


Displays the description that you have created from the named calculation as a link. You can click the link to access the Named Calculations program.


Specify the allowed comparison between the target and return value. Select a value from the Named Calculation Rule UDC table (31B/RR). Values are:

EQ: Equal To

NEQ: Not Equal To

GRT: Greater Than

GRTE: Greater Than or Equal To

LST: Less Than

LSTE: Less Than or Equal To

Note: Depending on the data type of the target and return values, not all these rules are available to be selected. For example, for a character or string data type, you can use the Equal To and Not Equal To operators, but not the Greater Than operator.
Target Date

If the return value of the named calculation is a date, you can enter a date value for comparison. The other target fields are not enabled.

Target Numeric

If the return value of the named calculation is a number, you can enter a numeric value for comparison. The other target fields are not enabled.

Target String

If the return value of the named calculation is a string, you can enter a string value for comparison. The other target fields are not enabled.

Target Character

If the return value of the named calculation is a character, you can enter a character value for comparison. The other target fields are not enabled.


Specify the type of validation that you want the system to perform against this specification. If you specify a hard validation, the system issues an error message if the return value does not conform to the specification. If you specify a soft validation, a failed validation does not prevent you from continuing to work with the blend lot.