Setting Up Workflow Statuses

Access the Edit Workflow Status Mapping form.

Workflow Status Name

Enter the name of the workflow status. For example, a configured workflow status might be Issued, Instructed, Pending, or Cellar to Write. This value must be unique to the status type.

Operation Status

Enter a UDC (31B/WF) that specifies the operation status. Values are:

1: Draft

2: Active

3: Actual

4: Closed

5: Canceled

Default Status

Specify whether the workflow status that you define and map to one of the operation statuses is the default status to use at that operation status level.

Note: You must define a default status for each operation status. For example, you must have a default status for draft, one for active, one for actual, and so forth. When you create a new operation, the system uses draft as the default status for the operation status.