
If style is available for the After To lot from the operation, the system copies the style to the resultant lot. If the style is not available from the operation and the To lot is empty, the system copies the style from the From lot to the resultant lot. If the style is not available from the operation and the operation is blending two or more lots with existing styles, the system uses the blending rules for blending lot styles. Each style that you want to blend uses the blending method that is set up for that style. The system considers the threshold percent value and blank values handling code in this calculation. The system stores these values in the style when you set up the style.

After applying survey losses to the From Before lot and To Before lot, the system follows this process to calculate the style value:

  1. The system calculates the value of any timer or counter styles from the From vessel for the Before lot.

  2. The system calculates the value of any time or counter styles from the To vessel for the Before To lot.

  3. The system may need to split the From Before lot into a resultant From lot and a movement lot.

  4. The system applies equipment and operation styles to the movement lot.

  5. The system may need to blend the movement lot with the To lot to get a resultant To lot.

  6. The system applies configured operation or vessel styles to the resultant To lot.

If configured styles or vessel styles need to be applied to the After lot after the lots are blended, the system uses the value from the wine effect modifier in the style definition to calculate the effect of the configured operation or vessel style on the lot. For example, if you set the value of the wine effect modifier to Maximum, the system compares the style value of the lot with the style value of the configured operation or vessel, and applies the largest value to the To lot.