Transfer Bulk Material

A transfer bulk material operation involves the physical transfer of bulk material to a transport tanker for shipment to another facility, or to a third party within the facility for specialized processing. This type of operation is only used internally within blend facilities.

Note: To successfully transfer bulk material from one facility to another, both facilities have to be set up with the same unit of measure system. For example, if the shipping facility uses metric units of measure, the receiving facility has to use metric units of measure as well.

This operation creates a bill of lading vessel, including the trucking details. Once a bill of lading document number is generated, it cannot be deleted from a bill of lading vessel. The bond serial number is generated only if it is required, and it is generated when the transfer operation is at an active status. A new bill of lading vessel is created for every transfer operation. You cannot reuse a bill of lading.

A transfer bulk material operation:

  • Reduces inventory at the shipping facility by the amount shipped.

    ERP inventory is increased for the item that is cross-referenced with the material type on the bill of lading vessel.

  • Generates a bill of lading to certify the state and composition of the bulk material for shipping, as well as trucking details.

  • Records a survey loss associated with the bill of lading, but not an operational loss.

  • Uses a user-defined weight factor to calculate liquid volume.