Understanding Actuals Entry

To enter actuals for single operations, you use the Create/Edit Operations program (P31B87).

Entering information for blend operation is an iterative process. First, you enter planned operations using values that you project for the blend process or you enter a placeholder when you do not yet have sufficient information. When the work is actually performed, operators enter the actual values, for example, the date, time, and duration when an operation was actually performed. Also, the planned operation might not have specified which vessels would be used and an operator might have entered an unknown vessel as a placeholder. In this case, the actual vessels would be entered. You also enter actual measurements, as well as quality assurance (QA) results. Entering actual results is optional for most operations. If you do not enter results, the system uses the planned values. For VBT operations, you must enter actual results to identify the actual barrels involved in the operation.

The configured operation setup specifies what types of measurements are to be taken when the operation is performed. After performing the work that was planned in an operation, operators may record the actual measurements of the quantities in the vessels used in the operation. Performing regular measurements ensures that any discrepancy between planned and actual quantities is recorded and that inventory remains accurate. You use the configured operation setup or the operation to determine how you want to approach measurements. You can measure the volume in vessels before, after, or during the move. Before and After measures can be performed on both the From and To vessels.

Measures that you perform before a move are survey measures. Any difference between the planned volume and the result of the measurement is reflected as a survey gain or loss against that vessel for the operation. Because you can take survey measures on both From and To vessels, the system calculates survey gains or losses for both. The instruction method used determines how the system replans the other volumes based on the changed Before volume: Survey gain or loss is calculated as a quantity and a percentage.

This example illustrates the result of volume changes in a movement operation with an instruction method of From Move and a move volume of 50 gallons when you measure a change in the To Before vessel:




From Before

100 GA

90 GA

To Before



From Survey Loss


10 GA

You perform measures after a move to evaluate the bulk material volume in a vessel after the movement has occurred. The system updates the volume of the After lot based on the entered actual volume. Any difference between the volume moved into the To vessel and the volume moved out of the From vessel is calculated as an operational gain or loss. The operational gain or loss is always applied to the To vessel.

For an in-place operation, any difference between the From before and From after measures is calculated as an operational gain or loss. In this case, because no To vessel exists, the operational gain or loss is applied to the From vessel.

Note: If you enter an actual After volume on the opposite side (From or To) of the instruction method, the system calculates operational gain or loss.

This example illustrates how the system replans volumes after taking an After measure on the To After vessel and finding a difference from the planned volume. The move volume is 50 gallons, and the instruction method is From Move:




From Before

100 GA

From After

50 GA

To Before


To After

50 GA

48 GA

Operational Loss

2 GA

If you are using a flow meter, you may want to record the actual movement quantity rather than a measure. If you record the actual move quantity, the system uses it to calculate the volume moved into the To vessel, unless you record a To After volume. Similarly, the system uses the actual move quantity to calculate the quantity moved out of the From vessel, unless you record a From After volume. If you record both From After and To After volumes, the system does not use the actual move quantity.

When you enter actuals, the system recalculates planned volumes in the current operations as well as in subsequent operations.