Understanding Barrel Operations

A VBT is the grouping of barrels to form a single entity that contains a single blend lot for oak operations. A VBT makes it easier to inquire, order and instruct work, record work performed, and finalize work results.

The barrels within a VBT might have similar attributes. Attributes of the individual barrels are accumulated and applied to the blend. The aggregate styles reflect the barrels that are contained in the VBT. For example, a group of five American Oak Barrels and 15 French Oak Barrels have a style of 75 percent French Oak and 25 percent American Oak. The collective attributes of a VBT affect the blend like a tank or other single vessel.

Cellar operations can be conducted for the entire VBT. If an operation is performed on only some of the barrels in the VBT, then these barrels can be separated and a new VBT created. The VBT number and the individual barrel numbers or barrel collection numbers are recorded against the cellar operation. Limited information is recorded against each barrel.

You can create a VBT and apply it at any time in the life of the barrel. A VBT can be created or changed as a separate operation or as part of another operation, for example, a rack and return or a barrel fill.

The creation of a VBT and the addition or removal of barrels from a VBT are typically part of other barrel operations, and are not usually performed as an independent operation. The splitting or merging of VBTs is also generally performed as an independent operation.