Understanding Blend AAIs Setup

You set up AAIs to determine the accounts to which the system distributes journal entries for wine making costs.

The system uses multiple AAI tables, each of which applies to a certain type of transaction. In each table, you specify a general ledger account for each unique combination of company, document type, material type, EUR accounting group, owner accounting group, and cost component.

For example, you can set up the AAI table to direct transactions from a crush operation to specific accounts. Each time that you enter a crush operation, the system determines the general ledger account by matching the company, document type, material type, EUR accounting group, owner accounting group, and cost component (operational costing only) for the lot.

When creating journal entries, the system searches the Blend Automatic Accounting Instructions (F31BAAI) table for an exact match with company, document type, material type, EUR accounting group, owner accounting group, and cost component. If the system does not find an exact match, it searches the AAIs in a sequence until it finds a match. Blank cells in the table represent exact matches and an *(asterisk) represents any value as a match. Company, owner accounting group, EUR accounting group, and cost component might have a specific value or **** (any match)—16 possible combinations exist. The search hierarchy attempts to match the most specific combinations first, then moves to more general combinations. Cost component is the most specific, then EUR accounting group, then owner accounting group. For example, the system searches the hierarchy using the specific company. If it does not find a match, it searches the hierarchy again using the default company 00000.

See "Understanding Manufacturing AAIs" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Product Costing and Manufacturing Implementation Guide.

These Blend AAI tables determine which accounts are debited and which are credited depending on the operation transaction:

  • Inventory 3151.

  • Operations 3152.

  • Survey gain/loss 3153.

  • Operation gain/loss 3154.

  • EUR reclassification 3155.

  • Conversion yield variance 3156.

  • Receive to Blend variance 3157.

  • Operational expense 3158.

Use the Inventory 3151 AAI table to account for ERP inventory items, such as dry goods, consumable items, and so forth.

Note: To ensure that the correct accounts are used in the journal entries, the account number for the Blend Inventory 3151 AAI must be the same account number that you use for the Manufacturing/Distribution AAI 4122 (inventory). These accounts are used when, as a result of closing weigh tags and bills of lading, the system issues material out of ERP inventory into blend inventory.When you use an ERP item in a blend operation, the system creates journal entries crediting inventory on the basis of AAI 4122 and debiting expense/COGS on the basis of AAI 4124.

The Operations 3152 AAI table directs accounting transactions of Before and After lots of an operation.