Understanding Comments for Blend Lots on QA Operations

When you enter test results, you might want to enter comments for a blend lot on the QA operation. You can use the Advanced Comments form to enter comments manually. Additionally, you can select multiple operations using the Edit Comment List form. On either form, you can enter comments, select comments from a predefined list, or delete comments for any operation.

Use the Edit Comment List form to enter comments for multiple operations on one form. When you select operations, the system reserves those operations. If the operation is currently reserved, an error message appears. Additionally, the system reserves all vessels on the operation that you select and those operations that relate to the selected operation. If the vessel is currently reserved, an error message appears.

The system displays only those comments for the operation in the Comment Lists section of the form that match the Comment Option. If you change the Comment Option, the comments in the Comment Lists section of the form change. The system uses the values that you enter in the Product and User Defined Codes fields to determine the selections that appear in the predefined list. When you change the codes, the predefined list changes. You set the processing options for the comment code and user-defined code (UDC) table.

The system stores test results in the Test Results table (F3711).