Understanding Dip Charts

Dip charts are tools for calculating the liquid volume within tanks. At various times, blend facility staff records a height measurement, which the dip chart converts into volume.

Wet dips are taken by measuring the height from the bottom of the tank to the top of the liquid within the tank. Dry dips are taken by measuring the height from the top of the tank (the reference height) to the top of the liquid. The dip chart is capable of converting either wet or dry dips into volume.

Dip charts typically contain measurement information about multiple tanks. For example, for an individual tank, you might record volume for every 1/8th inch or centimeter in the tank, a single volume for the full height, or many dip-to-volume pairs.

The system ensures that after you create a dip chart and assign the dip chart to a tank, you cannot assign additional dip charts to that same tank. You can assign a dip chart to multiple tanks, but each tank can have only one dip chart assigned.

You must set up dip charts before you can set up tanks because the dip chart code is required for the tank setup.