Understanding Instructed Attributes

Key information about bulk material is derived from the processes that the bulk material goes through and the observations of the specialists managing the work. Enter lot attributes to record and track such information. Instructed lot attributes are also source data for blend IDs. Instructed attributes must be set up to determine how the system will calculate results when blend lots are blended. The system currently provides 12 instructed attributes: four numeric, four string, and four date.

To define instructed attributes, you must first generate instructed attribute records by using the Create Attributes option on the form menu of the View Instructed Attribute Definitions form. After you generate the records, you can provide a detailed definition for each instructed attribute.

After you have created a descriptive name and definition for an instructed attribute, the system displays the descriptive name wherever instructed attributes are used in the system. You can view instructed attributes with their descriptive names in the following programs:

  • Stand alone Barrel Master Inquiry (P31B03E)

  • Barrel Inquiry From Inventory Vessel View (P31B03IE)

  • Instruct Lot Attributes (P31B30)

  • Wine Lot View (P31B31)

  • Operation Trace/Track (P31B60)

  • View End Lots (P31B61)

  • Inventory by Vessel View (P31B81)

  • Search for Trial Blend (P31B320)

Note: If you leave the Description field for instructed attribute blank, the system displays the default label Instructed Attribute {number}.