Understanding Operation Reversals

The system enables you to reverse closed operations and set them back to a previous status. For example, you can set back an operation from Closed to Active. You can do this for all operations. However, if you reverse weigh tags, bills of lading, bottling, and decant operations, the system also reverses related inventory issues to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management (document type ID) and the purchase receipt, if applicable, from the item ledger (CARDEX), and creates corresponding journal entries. After you reverse a bill of lading, for example, the Item Availability program (P41202) shows that the quantity is no longer available in the branch.

If you attempt to reverse an operation that has subsequent operations in the dependency chain that are also closed, the system issues a warning message that subsequent operations are closed. The Reverse Operations program (P31B68) displays these operations on the Reverse Operations form. You can cancel and reverse these operations individually. After you have reversed subsequent operations, you can reverse the operation that you selected for reversal initially. You can also reverse them all at once using the Reverse All option. The system logs operation reversals in the Reversed Operations table (F31B68).