Understanding Test Result Names Setup

You can set up test result names to group similar tests with different test definitions (a set of test specifications). For example, you might have a pH test with a test definition that requires you to use a test strip and another pH test with a test definition that requires you to use a meter. The test definitions are different, but the result from each test is a pH result.

Test result names can help simplify inquiry, reporting, and blend rules. For example, you might want to review and compare test results for all pH tests. You can use the pH test result name to do this without inquiring on each test individually. You can also add a blend rule to the test result name instead of adding it to each test individually. For example, you add a blend rule to the pH test result name, and the system applies the blend rule to all tests that the pH test result name comprises.

This diagram illustrates how you might group pH tests:

Example of a test result name

The system stores test result names in the Test Result Name (F37013) table.