Using Single Vessel Entry

Access the Edit Operation Detail form.

Vessel Number/Class

You must enter an existing vessel number. When you leave this field, the system disables it so that you can no longer change the vessel number. For the vessel class, the system uses the default value from the configured operation, for example, Tank or VBT.

When you leave the Vessel Number field, the system automatically populates the Before planned volume and measure.

Before Actual Volume and Before Actual Measure

Enter the actual Before volume or measure for the vessel. When you leave these fields, the system automatically calculates volume and percentage for survey and operation gains or losses.

After Actual Volume and After Actual Measure

Enter the actual After volume or measure for the vessel. When you leave these fields, the system automatically calculates volume and percentage for survey and operation gains or losses.

View Before Lot and View After Lot

Select either of these options to review details on the Before or After lot of the operation on the View Wine Lot Detail form.

View Vessel Detail

Click to access the Edit Tanks form. You can add and revise tank master records.

VBT Detail (virtual barrel tanks detail)

Select for VBT operations to access the VBT Movement Details form. On this form, you can rename the VBT, add barrels to the VBT, or delete them. You can also empty barrels.

This option is available if you have entered a VBT as the From vessel class for configured operations that are based on any of the following base operations:

ADJLOT: Adjust lot.

ADJINV: Adjust inventory.

ERROR: Error correction.

QA: QA operation.

COMPMAT: Composition material type.

Advanced Comment

Select this option for QA operations to access the Advanced Comments form. You can add comments for the QA test.

Remove Vessel

Select to remove the vessel that you entered for the operation. If you entered a vessel in error, you can only remove it, but not change it.