Validating Tank Capacity

Based on the value in the Fermentation Flag field that you enter in the Material Type Revisions program (P31B04) and the tank capacity information that you enter in the Tank Master program (P31B08), the system validates that volumes that you enter for tank operations against the specified capacity.

When you enter a tank operation with a fermenting material type, the system compares the planned volume with the white fermentation capacity of the tank. If the volume exceeds the capacity, the system issues a warning that the value exceeds the tank's fermentation capacity.

When you enter a tank operation with a non-fermenting material type, the system compares the planned volume with the storage capacity of the tank, If the volume exceeds the capacity, the system issues a warning that the value exceeds the tank's storage capacity.

The system validates the To After and the From After planned volume only if no To After or From After actual values have been entered. As long as the operation is not closed, the system issues only warnings if the capacity is exceeded. When you try to close an operation with tank capacity exceeded, the system issues an error.

When you exceed tank capacity by entering actual values, the system always issues an error. The system does not save the value when you click the Calculate Move button or when you switch between vessel-to-vessel lines. When you use the Speed Actuals Update program (P31B67) to enter actual values, the system does not save the volumes that exceed capacity when you switch between operations. The same rules apply when you enter one-to-one moves and exceed tank capacity.

If you enter in-place tank operations, you also receive warnings for planned volumes that exceed capacity and errors when you try to close an operation or enter actual volumes that exceed capacity.