Vessel Details

When you close or cancel operations, you can no longer make changes to these operations, but you can access the information in view mode. You can also access detail information for the vessels that are used in the operations. To access vessel detail information, use the View Vessel Detail option or the View VBT Detail option in the From and To Vessel areas of the Edit Operation Detail form, the one-to-one move form, and the single-vessel form. To review vessel detail information, the system calls any of the following programs, depending on which type of vessel is used in the operation:

  • Tank Master (P31B08)

  • Weigh Tag Master Detail (P31B77)

  • Bill of Lading (P31B91)

  • Bottling Vessel (P31B26)

  • VBT Detail (P31B66)

The ability to view vessel details enables you to review purchase orders and receipts that are associated with weigh tags or bills of lading.