Calculating Volume for a Stock Movement

Access the Dip Volume Calculator form.

Gross Dip

Enter a number that represents the total dip reading of a tank. (Net volume = gross dip volume − water dip volume + other volumes.)

You can enter a number for a single dip or multiple dip reading. Enter dip readings in increments consistent with the strapping units on the tank strapping table (for example, centimeters or feet/inches/fractions).

For U.S. increments, Branch/Plant Constants controls the delimiter that indicates the separator between the units of measure (for example, between feet, inches, and fractions). Therefore, if you used / as the delimiter, for:

15 feet 10 1/2 inches, enter 15/10/8

15 feet, enter 15//

6 feet 4 13/16 inches, enter 6/4/13

12 feet and 5/16 inches, enter 12//5

Fractions are shown in sixteenths of an inch.

Water Dip

Enter a number that represents the total dip reading of water in the tank.

Net volume = gross dip volume − water dip volume + other volumes.

This can be a single dip or a multiple dip reading.

You might need to review the strapping information for the tank. You can select an option to access the Tank Strapping Table program. In addition, you might need to review default information for the tank. You can select an option to access the Default Tank Information program.

The Temperature and TT fields are provided by default from the Default Tank Information table (F41508).

Other Volume

Enter a number that represents any volumes that will affect the net volume calculation. The default value equals the pipeline volume plus the discharge volume. The pipeline and discharge volumes are from Additional Tank Information data. (Net volume = gross dip volume − water dip volume + other volumes.)

Pipeline plus discharge volume is added to the volume entered or retrieved from the strapping table.

If you enter a weight, the value is converted to a weight unit of measure using temperature and density information. It is then added to the quantity entered.

Display Density

Enter the company's standard for density. You can also use this field for pack size and weight information.

D T (density type)

Enter a code used to identify the type of density. Values are:

A: Absolute Density

G: API Specific Gravity

R: Relative Density

Density Temp (density temperature)

Enter the temperature at which the density was measured. The system uses the density temperature type from Branch/Plant Constants - Page 3 Row exit.

T U (thermometer used)

Specify the scale type of the thermometer being used to measure temperature. Values are:

F: Fahrenheit

C: Celsius

Vapour Pressure

Enter the observed LPG vapour pressure. The system compares this value to the equilibrium vapour pressure to check for inert gases. The observed pressure of the LPG vapour is recorded as part of the tank dip, and it is used in the calculation of the liquid equivalent volume of the vapour.

LPG Vap Temp (LPG vapour temperature)

Enter the standard vapour temperature at the item level. The observed temperature of the vapour in the LPG tank is recorded as part of the tank dip and is used to calculate the liquid equivalent volume of the vapour.

If you calculate LPG vapour, enter the standard LPG vapour. The observed vapour from the Dip Volume Calculator and Multimeter Reading is compared to this value.

S T (slip tube)

Enter the slip tube type for a dip reading for an LPG Slip Tube type tank. This field denotes whether this is a long or short slip tube reading. Values are:

L: Long

S: Short. If you leave this field blank, the system uses S.

Vapour Weight

Enter the weight of the vapour within a tank or containers.