Defining Tank Temperature and Density

Access the Default Tank Information Revision form.

Tank Temperature

Enter the temperature of the product in the tank. The temperature type specified on the Branch/Plant Constants - Bulk Product Constants form is the default value. The system checks this entry against the minimum and maximum temperature range.


Enter the company's standard for density. You can also use this field for pack size and weight information.

Temperature Expiration Date

Enter the number of hours that the tank temperature remains valid. The system uses this number to calculate the next expiration date and time on Default Tank Information form. The system also checks the temperature expiration period at load confirm time to ensure that the default temperature reading is valid. If you do not require an expiration (for example, stocks are stored at a third-party site), enter 99999.

Temperature Expiration Time

Enter the time beyond which this default temperature is invalid. This field is normally calculated based upon the Temperature Expiration Period on the Additional Tank Information form. The user may override the calculated values.