Location Format Specification

Click the Location Format Specification tab.

Separator Character

Enter the character you use as a separator that divides the elements of the location when you display them on forms or reports. For example, you might use a / as a separator character to divide elements such as aisle, bin, and shelf in a location code.

The location code can contain up to 20 characters, including separators.

Separators are not stored in the tables, but are used to edit a location on a form or report. If you do not want to use separators, leave this field blank.

However, you must enter characters and spaces to equal the correct length of each element in the location code. The system then displays the location as one string of characters.

The system uses the character you enter in this field to separate the combination of tank/owner and aisle/bin as it appears on forms or reports.

Companies commonly use a . as the separator character.


Enter the number of characters to represent the tank (or aisle for packaged stock). Values are numbers 1 through 8.

To determine the location ownership, the Aisle or Bin field must contain the Address Book number.


Enter the number of characters to represent the owner for commingled bulk stock (or bin for packaged stock). Values are numbers 1 through 8.

Code 3

Enter the number of characters to represent Code 3 in the location format specification.