Setting Up Tank Strapping Information

Access the Tank Strapping Table Maintenance form.

Reading Height

Enter a linear measurement that represents either the depth of oil or free space (ullage) available in a tank.

Volume at Point

Enter a number that indicates the volume contained in the tank at this reading height. You can enter an amount or have the system calculate it. If you want the system to calculate the volume, you must enter information in the Volume per Increment field.

Volume per Increment

Enter a number that is the gradient above a strapping point in terms of volume increase per strapping unit. If you enter a value in this field, the system calculates the volume at this point.

Chart ID

Indicate the person responsible for the strapping. This field is for reference only

Initial Volume

Specify the volume of liquid below the zero reference point. The initial volume is added to the total tank volume. When taking a dip reading, this volume is added to the Volume at Point to arrive at the ambient value.

Chart Prep. By (chart prepared by)

Enter your user ID. user identification. This field is used in the Lease Master Validation file and indicates the user who initially set up the record.