Understanding Depot Location Setup

After you set up the location format specifications for the depots, you set up locations, such as tank farms, for the depots. The system stores the locations that you define in the Location Master table (F4100). All programs that require location specifications use this table to verify locations.

In addition to setting up physical locations for the depots, you need to set up logical locations. A logical location stores the gains and losses for each product resulting from the various stock movements. The system records gains and losses in the Gain/Loss Transactions File table (F41512).

When you set up the logical location in the Location Master table, you do not specify item location records and associated tanks. Therefore, if you search for inventory by location, the system does not include the inventory from the logical location because there are no item or location records. Most users set up a separate logical location for each product in the depot. For commingled stock (product with multiple owners), set up a logical location at the owner level.

As part of setting up a depot location, you must assign a name to the location. To name a location, identify the tank, or if the tank has commingled stock, identify both the tank and owner.

The name that you assign can be the same as the tank ID. However, the location name can also designate the owner.

This table lists some typical conventions for naming locations:




Use this convention to identify a single tank that contains product with only a single owner.

TNK1C.Owner1 TNK1C.Owner2

Use this convention to identify a single tank that contains commingled stock. The period (.) between the tank ID and the owner corresponds to the separator character that you defined when you set up the depot constants.

* (blank location)

Use an asterisk (*) in the Location field to define a blank location. The system uses a blank location for the initial soft commit when you enter sales orders.