Understanding Intra-Depot Stock Movement Gains and Losses

When product is moved from one location, tank, or container to another, a change in volume can occur due to spillage, leakage, evaporation, and temperature changes. You can account for these gains or losses when recording the from and to movements of the product.

You can specify gains or losses for these stock movements:

  • Tank-to-tank transfer

  • Repack

  • Decant

  • Fill

You use the processing options for P415101 to control how gains or losses are recorded:

  • Set the Gain/Loss Location processing option on the Defaults tab to specify a default gain/loss location.

  • Set the From and To quantities processing option on the Inventory tab to ensure that the From, To, and Gain/Loss quantities equal zero.

  • Set a processing option to require that the From quantity, the To quantity, and the gain/loss quantity balance.

The system calculates gains and losses as follows:

  • The sum of all To transactions (converted to a standard unit of measure and temperature) minus the sum of all From transactions (converted to a standard unit of measure and temperature) equals the gain or loss.

  • You record gains and losses to a logical location instead of a physical location to prevent the gains and losses from adjusting actual inventory.

    Because no item or location record exists, searching by location will not display the inventory for the location.

  • The program converts all products within a transaction to the primary unit of measure associated with the gain or loss bulk product.

    If the unit of measure conversion is not set up by item, the system uses the standard unit of measure conversions.