
Use these processing options to specify subcontract amounts.

1. Revenue amounts updated from subcontract amounts

Specify how the system updates revenue amounts from subcontract amounts. When you select option 1, 2, or 3, you cannot complete the revenue fields affected by the options. The system completes the revenue amount and detail status code fields for you. For example, if you select option 1, the system completes those fields with the amounts that you enter in the corresponding subcontract account fields. The system also uses the detail status code that you enter for the subcontract account for the revenue detail status code. Values are:

Blank: Does not update revenue amounts.

1: Revenue amounts equal all subcontract amounts. The system writes the subcontract original, quoted, and final amounts for an account to the original, quoted, and final amount fields for the corresponding revenue account.

2: Revenue original amount equals subcontract best amount. The system calculates the best amount for the subcontract account and writes it to the Revenue Original field for the corresponding revenue account. If the best amount changes after the system writes to the Revenue Original field, the system updates the field to indicate the current best amount.

3: Revenue amounts equal subcontract amounts plus cost amounts. The system adds the amounts for each type of quantity amount for the subcontract and cost accounts and writes them to the original, quoted, and final amount fields for the corresponding revenue account. For example, if you complete the Cost Original and Subcontract Original fields for a detail line, the system completes the Revenue Original field with the total of the Cost Original and Subcontract Original fields.

2. Display when Revenue and Subcontract amounts unequal and 4. Display when Cost and Subcontract amounts unequal

Specify whether the system displays a message when revenue and subcontract amounts are unequal, or when cost and subcontract amounts are unequal. Values are:

Blank: Do not display.

1: Display.

3. Cost amounts updated from Subcontract amounts

Specify how the system updates cost amounts from subcontract amounts. When you select option 1 or 2, you cannot complete the cost fields affected by the options. The system completes the cost amount and detail status code fields for you. For example, if you select option 1, the system completes those fields with the amounts that you enter in the corresponding subcontract account fields.

The system also uses the detail status code that you enter for the subcontract account for the cost detail status code. Values are:

Blank: Does not update cost amounts.

1: Cost amounts equal all subcontract amounts. The system writes the subcontract original, quoted, and final amounts for an account to the original, quoted, and final amount fields for the corresponding cost account.

2: Cost original amount equals subcontract best amount. The system calculates the best amount for the subcontract account and writes it to the Cost Original field for the corresponding cost account.

If the best amount changes after the system writes to the Cost Original field, the system updates the field to indicate the current best amount.