Approving Accounts on Change Requests

You can approve the accounts on change requests individually, or you can use the Global Status Update program to approve all of the accounts of a specified type on a change request. The method that you use depends on how you organized the change requests and on whether all accounts of a specified type on a change request are ready to be approved at the same time.

If all accounts of a specified type are currently at the same status and are ready to be approved, you can use the Global Status Update program to quickly update all of the accounts to a detail status code that represents approval. If you need to approve only a few accounts, or if not all of the accounts of a certain type are ready to be approved, you should update each account individually.

You can approve the account on a change request by:

  • Approving accounts when approving PCOs and COs.

  • Approving accounts from the Change Request Entry program.