Understanding Change Request Revisions

Information in a change request is often revised during the life cycle of the change request. For example, you might change amounts or dates, update status codes, and add lines to a change request. When you revise account distribution information, you can create a requote to record the new information. You use requotes to track and review the history of the changes that are made to the account information. After a detail line has moved through the approval process to its final stage, you can close the line so that no further changes can be made to it.

You can add lines to any change request, even those that have all of the lines closed. When you add or delete line items from change requests, the changes appear in the PCO to which the change request is attached. The system displays a warning message when you make any change to a change request that is attached to a PCO.

Note: You cannot revise a change request that is attached to a closed PCO or CO.If you commit a subcontract in final mode that is attached to a change request, many of the subcontract fields are disabled to prevent editing.